Energy Efficiency Checklist

Increasing a building's energy performance is a continuous process of improving both building operations and systems. The first step to understand your building's performance is to measure your energy and water performance by benchmarking through ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager. After benchmarking, the process of improving energy efficiency will be a bit different in each building, depending on current energy and water management practices and the age and efficiency of building systems.

Explore opportunities to save energy and invest in your building staff by checking out our Energy Efficiency Checklist.


Learn How to Comply with the City of St. Louis’s Building Energy Awareness Ordinance and the Building Energy Performance Standard Ordinance.

The City of St. Louis, USGBC-Missouri Gateway Chapter, BOMA St. Louis, Downtown STL, Inc and IFMA St. Louis Chapter are co-hosting three opportunities to learn how to comply. The events below are free to all, but space is limited. Registration is required.

2018 Benchmarking Training Events

Custom Alternative Compliance Plan pathway

Custom Alternative Compliance Path (CACP) path gives properties that are unable to hit their BEPS Target due to unusual circumstances the opportunity to customize a path that upholds the spirit of BEPS. Unlike the Paths 1-3, properties must apply to pursue a CACP and not all will be deemed eligible . Because pursuing a CACP is somewhat arduous and will take several months (not counting the implementation time), interested properties should plan ahead and take early action.

  • Custom Alternative Compliance Pathway (CACP) Energy Audit Template

    Monday, June 30, 5:00 PM - 5:30 PM

    Custom Alternative Compliance Pathway Energy Audit Template

    Custom Alternative Compliance Path (CACP) Energy Audit Template Instructions


    The main requirement for building owners pursuing CACP is to conduct an Energy Audit by ASHRAE Standard 211-2018 Level 2 or Retro-commissioning Plan. 

    All CACP plans must be submitted on the mandatory The Energy Audit Template. This feature of the web-based, Building Energy Asset Score is used to collect, store, and report building energy audit data. After entering building audit data into the tool, users may generate a PDF audit report that lists the data entered and calculated tables and charts outlining the building energy use by energy type and end use, and the cost and payback of energy saving opportunities. The audit data will also be available to download in CSV or XML file formats by the user. When the report is submitted to the OBP, OBP staff will also be able to download these reports and any attachments.

    View the CACP Energy Audit Template Instructions for guidance on data entry and a report submission.

    To learn more, view the Recorded training: Introduction to Audit Template , read presentation slides in PDF or explore the additional DOE's resources here.

  • Is Your Building on Track to Comply with (BEPS) Energy Performance Target?

    Monday, September 01, 9:00 AM - 9:30 AM

    Is your building on track to comply with Building Energy Performance Standards (BEPS), or not? Find out in the link for Excel file below. 

    Search your building address (Column A) and if your building is on track to comply (Column K).

    Click here to download Excel file

News and Events box items

More about BEPS compliance.

Report for previous years

Links to report previous years.

Forms & Documents & Procedures

For public access. 

  • 3rd Party Verification Guide

    Sunday, June 01, 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM

    Properties shall obtain third-party data verification from an accredited verifier to validate the reported Benchmarking data used to determine BEPS compliance.  Verification is required only for  last year of each compliance Cycle, known as the Verification Year. The most properties will need verification of data for calendar years 2024, 2029, 2034, and so on, while Qualified Affordable Housing and Houses of Worship will need verification of data for calendar years 2026, 2033, 2040, and so on.

    3rd Party Verification Guide

Instructions for Reporting 2024 data

Instructions for Reporting 2024 data


  • Instructions for Reporting 2024 data

    Friday, August 01, 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM


    Instructions for Reporting Calendar Year 2024 data

    There is a new procedure this year.

    Instead of sending the report using the Report Data button, you will need to Share the property with us in ESPM.

    (Instructions are in Step 2 below.)

    Steps to take:
    Step 1: Determine if an exemption can be requested.

    The property can apply for an exemption from reporting if it:
    A. Was primarily used for manufacturing or other industrial purposes.
    B. Did not have a certificate of occupancy for all of 2024.
    C. Had an average physical occupancy of less than 50 percent throughout 2024. This refers to tenant spaces that weren't rented out. If a building is only partially used (like a warehouse that's left half empty), it still has to report. 
    D. Fulfills one of the other reasons for exemption. They can be found on the Exemptions & Extensions Request form by clicking on Exemption from benchmarking Requirements and scrolling down past Upload File(s).  

    Attach supporting documents to the request:
    A. A copy (or photo) of the Manufacturing License. It must include the Property Address, Terms of License From/To Dates, and Business Type: Manufacturing.
    BUse the Book a Consultation button (on the Home page) to discuss this with us. 
    C. Rent roll confirming the level of physical occupancy. Be sure to use Gross Floor Area (GFA) - NOT Rentable Square Footage - in your calculations.
    D. Varies by reason.

    If the property qualifies, fill out the Exemptions & Extensions Request form.
    Please fill out a separate request for each property. 

    Step 2: Share the property in ESPM. 

    Start by adding OBP as a contact in ESPM
    Our username is Benchmark-STL
    We will accept your connection request within two business days. (Though it's usually much faster.)

    Share the property/properties with us.
    e're listed in the dropdown menu as St. Louis Office of Building Performance.
    We only need Read-only access. 

    Step 3: Verify that each property profile includes the St. Louis Building ID.

    Select the property from your ESPM Dashboard.
    Go to the Details tab (one of seven across the middle of the page). 
    Find the Unique Identifiers box on the left-hand side.

    If the ID is listed under Standard IDs:
    Continue to Step 4. 

    If it isn't listed:
    Click the Edit button in the lower right corner of the Unique Identifiers box.
    Scroll down to Standard ID - City/Town and select St. Louis Building ID from the dropdown menu.
    Enter the ID in the dialogue box to the right (the format is P-xxxxxx or M-xxxxxx).
    Click Save

    Step 4: Input energy and water data. 

    Enter all energy, and water usage data from January 1 - December 31, 2024.
    Data must cover every day of the calendar year.

    Step 5: Run the Data Checker.

    Once all the data is input, turn the Data Checker to verify there are no gaps, overlaps, or missing meters.
    For step-by-step instructions, watch the EPA's video.

    Remember, properties MUST be shared in ESPM or they will NOT be in compliance with the City of St. Louis Building Energy Awareness (benchmarking) Ordinance (#70474).
    Buildings with square footage of 50,000 or more must track and report energy and water usage annually.
    Buildings below 50,000 square feet can report voluntarily. (Contact us for details.) 

    Use the Book a Consultation button (on the Home page) if you need assistance. 


Energy Star Portfolio Manager Resources

EPA’s ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager tool helps you measure and track the energy use, water use, waste and materials, and greenhouse gas emissions of your buildings, all in a secure online environment. Follow this link for information on how-to guides, videos and learning how to use Portfolio Manager to comply with St. Louis’s energy benchmarking ordinance:

Missouri Gateway Green Building Council

Have questions about green building or benchmarking? Want to get up to speed on green operations & maintenance? Missouri Gateway Green Building Council offers educational and networking opportunities year-round, including Green Professional Building Skills (GPRO) - Operations & Maintenance Essentials.

Contact Missouri Gateway Green Building Council at

Ameren Missouri Trade Ally network

Find contractors on Ameren’s Biz Savers website to help your business or building take advantage of energy efficiency measures today.

Missouri Division of Energy

Check out incentives and financing opportunities for your business or building offered through the state of Missouri.

Set the PACE STL

Set the PACE St. Louis is an innovative program that uses PACE financing to help homeowners and commercial, industrial and multi-family property owners access affordable, long-term financing for smart energy upgrades to their buildings.

City of St. Louis Sustainability

Learn about St. Louis’s sustainability efforts, resources and initiatives. You can also learn about the City’s Sustainability Plan.

Building Energy Exchange St. Louis

Building Energy Exchange St. Louis (BE-Ex STL) was borne out of a desire to help building owners comply with BEPS and to serve as a regional resource to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.

Better Buildings Financing Navigator

The Navigator is an online tool that helps public and private sector organizations find financing solutions for energy efficiency projects, developed by the U.S. Department of Energy's Better Buildings Initiative. The Navigator is designed for anyone who wants to access financing for energy efficiency projects or learn more about the marketplace in general, including building owners, facility and energy managers, sustainability directors, executives, contractors, consultants, brokers, researchers, and other decision-makers.

Note that the Navigator covers non-residential energy efficiency projects only.